Good Morning Ballycastle (GMB) Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why should I become a service user member with BCA?
A. GMB provides an opportunity to maintain your independence in you own home, and reassures concerned relatives of your welfare.

Q. Do I have to take or subscribe to a phone call each week day morning?
A. No, the choice of week day is up to you.

Q. What about weekend phone calls?
A. At present this is not possible, but is a possibility in the future.

Q. How will my personal information remain confidential?
A. All collected info is protected by the Data Protection Act 1998, and all staff and committee members must follow a code of ethics.

Q. What happens if I’ve fallen and cannot answer the phone?
A. The volunteer will phone your nominated person to call with you asap. If this is not possible we will ask the police to call at your house.

Q. What happens if I’m out when you phone?
A. The Morning Caller will phone you several times prior to contacting your nominated contact.

Q. What happens if I want/need to leave the house at my prearranged time?
A. It is important to phone the office and leave a message, as this reduces worry for GMB and your family/friends.

Q. How will I be treated by the volunteer during my phone call?
A. All staff must adhere to a code of conduct, treating you with respect care and dignity at all times.